Becca Knits

Fantasy Knitting
November 11, 2008, 12:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
wisteria by kate gilbert

wisteria by kate gilbert

dream in color classy - happy forest

dream in color classy - happy forest

Despite the fact that I have projects and the corresponding yarn lined up to keep me busy for at least a year, this sweater an yarn combination have been haunting me since the release of Twist Collective.  I’ve researched finished projects on ravelry, trying to get a feel for which size to knit, and staring enviously at the beautiful results people are getting.  I debated the different greens that Dream in Color comes in, sticking with my first inclination towards Happy Forest.  I’ve pictured myself wearing it everywhere, to church, to class, to homecoming, to the mall, imagining people coming up to me and asking where I bought it at.  I’d respond with a laugh and a shy “Oh, I made it.” and their eyes would light up with awe and envy.

Okay, I’m exaggerating a little bit, but I really have been enamored with this pattern and yarn combination.  I’m just dying to knit it, but the fact that I have a slightly bigger stash than I’d like, and that I’m graduating soon and have to start paying off student loans, and that Dream in Color isn’t exactly cheap yarn, means that this project is still way out of my means.  So I have resorted to fantasizing about it quite frequently.  But at least I’m prepared!  I know I’m going to knit the 44″ size, giving me 1″ of positive ease, rather than the three inches shown on the model.  I like my tops to be a bit more fitted than it looks in the photograph, and the 47 1/2 would be far too much ease for my taste.  I’ve also decided on Happy Forest, because Spring Tickle is too yellow, and Go Go Grassy isn’t saturated enough.  Happy Forest is just the right shade of green that will look good on me.

So, that’s the fantasy knit that’s in my head right now.  What projects have you been pining after that you just can’t make right now?  And what’s stopping you?

Here we go!
July 5, 2008, 12:44 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Well, I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a long time, but something always stopped me. I thought I didn’t have anything interesting to write about, or that I needed to have a layout and all sorts of posts ready before I launched it, and I just kept sabotaging myself. So, oh, about 10 minutes ago, I decided to just go for it. So here I am.

I’m Becca, I’m 20 years old, starting my senior year in college, and I’m engaged. I mostly knit, do a little bit of crochet, and make slightly twisted tufts of roving with my drop spindle. (I really need to take a spinning class.) I also like ogling handspun yarns on etsy. I’m an equal-opportunity yarn consumer, which is evidenced by the fact that I have been pining after Noro for months, but have dropped a good bit of money at Walmart over the past week, snatching up the last bits of Homespun and Simply Soft. (It was on clearance! I couldn’t resist!)

If you need to stalk me, you can e-mail me at beccaknits at, plurk me at beccafied, and friend me on ravelry at charmling.

I will be updating later this week with my current projects and such, so be sure to check back!